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Here’s my issue with surfing, I don’t like to swim. I don’t like water on my face, the ocean is kinda icky the longer you think about it, and I’m convinced I never learned how to properly hold my breath. But I really like the idea of liking surfing, so I went anyways. 

Day 1: went out with some good pals, so overall the day? A dream. The ocean? Miserable. Super blustery and windy (like blow you sideways windy) and cold. Waves: coming in pairs so if you missed the first one the second one took you under. Overall: entirely unprepared and had no idea what I was doing. Didn’t necessarily go well for me, fought the ocean just to get even waist deep, and couldn’t get up on the board so I just got tumbled by the ocean. Was frustrated I wasn’t good at it and could not believe people do it for fun. 

Day 2: went out like a week later, also with some pals so the day was great and the surfing was way better. I started out the same, frustrated, unable to catch a wave that sort of thing. Honestly, was just about to give up surfing ever, but we moved spots and were told it was better. The weather: lightly windy, warmer, and sun was shining. The waves: coming in three’s so if you got the last of the set you were solid, and they weren’t huge, but they were gentler. 

I also started talking to the Lord in the water about the ocean. That was a great move, 10/10 recommend. I feel like we use the ocean a lot for metaphors in Christian circles, but I understand why. The more I was talking to God about the water, the more I saw how it relates to life. Here’s a few of my metaphors I realized. 

-There was a fight to get out there even just for the opportunity to catch a wave. We’re not promised an easy way in this life, we’re actually promised trials. But, the trials are never for nothing, there’s always something good that comes out of them. There’s that feeling when you finally get up on the board and are surfing in. We’re not called to trials for trials sake, but for the sake of the good that will be brought out. 

-It’s a hard process to get out there just for a few seconds of time actually surfing, but it’s worth it. Hard things in life may seem pointless compared to the pay off they bring, but often it’s actually worth it cause you learn more in the hardship than in the cruising. 

-I was mostly surfing  the shallow and was fine with it, and also I really wanted to be immediately good enough to be on bigger waves. But baby steps are still steps. A lot of times I see Christian’s unhappy with the progress they’ve made in life cause they start looking at where they want to be in life and discount the baby steps. Sometimes the Lord does big dramatic works in us and it happens overnight. Sometimes it’s baby steps and the culmination of the baby steps leads us to refinement. God is proud of you either way and baby steps are still a step in the right direction. 

This is a different kind of blog than what I normally do, but hopefully you’ve enjoyed this surf report. This was my first time ever surfing and I think I would do it again and see if I improve. I have a lot of questions about the ocean and why God created it the way He did and if you sit and think about it long enough it’s crazy all that’s in it, and what it does for us, and how waves work. All the things. Just another way God shows off His creativity and gives us something to enjoy. 

4 responses to “Surfin Jeffrey’s bay”

  1. Keep working at it, granddaughter! One day you might even feel accomplished in it enough that you can skim Lake Erie. I’m amazed that you even tried to surf, given limited or no prior experience. Welcome to the club! I enjoy watching it, however, and occasionally see it on TV, primarily out in California.

  2. Hello Addie, how exciting, a new recreation! I love the ocean. I find it inspiring, wonderous, a force to respect and one of God’s amazing creations. I loved your metaphors. God doesn’t really call us to “easy”, He has big plans for His children. He does, however, promise to always be with us. Whether in dramatic or in baby steps He simply asks us to trust and obey. I am so glad you pushed past your comfort zone, got in the water, tired something new and received some amazing insight from the Creator of the oceans. You received a precious gift – you pushed past discomfort, accomplished a new skill and gleaned insight from your Heavenly Father, a special day for sure!

  3. LOL this is my favorite. While i’m still fairly determined to help you LOVE the ocean, those lessons are part of the reason I deeply love the ocean. I see the Lord alllll in it allll the time!

    I loved your surf report, thanks for sharing. The baby steps one really gets me

  4. I feel the same way you do about water (your first paragraph), I’m so proud of you for going…more than once!…and being persistent! WOW! I loved all the lessons you learned from your experience surfing…and by the way, you look really good with a surf board in a wet suit!