Meet team spice!
A while back, like two months lol I’m working on catching up, we did team changes. These team changes were exciting and a little nerve wracking, cause anytime you switch up people you switch up dynamics. To reveal our teams we played hide and seek where our squad leaders would have to find us and when they did they would put us in a room with our new teammates. Within 5 minutes of our team forming (literally only two or three of the 5 of us had been found) we started plotting how to prank our squad leaders. The prank failed sadly, but the spirit of fun and light heartedness has stayed with this team. We sat down and discussed our values on one of the first days and almost all of us said fun. This is a team that also works incredibly hard and doesn’t shy away from speaking truth. They’re an incredible gift to my life and to my race, so let me brag about them for a little bit.
Sav- intercession coordinator.
Savanna, what a woman. Honestly that’s what I think of when I think of her. She portrays God’s plan for femininity so well and she’s such an encourager and prayer warrior. She takes dope pictures, she’s a woman of an immense amount of talent, and she is always down to serve.
Cass- Beauty for ashes coordinator
Y’all remember Cassady from my last team? She’s with me again! She’s so fun and always the life of the party. Killer dance moves, always singing, and generally raising the energy in any given room. She’s great at diving into culture still and always will be the one who knows the most words of the language wherever we are.
Claudia- Logistics
Cool girl Clauds. Convinced half the time she’s the only one on the squad that understands what I’m saying cause she’s the only one who understands my movie/meme/culture references. So fun all the time, but also so mature and wise it’s almost scary. Loves music and plays every instrument, and always draws a crowd around her cause she has contagious energy.
A-stew- Treasurer
For surely one of my favorite people I’ve ever met in life not just on the race. If you’re gonna kick back and chill with anybody she’s an amazing option. Has the best perspective on things, can make even the most mundane of tasks a blast, and is incredibly loyal. She’s honestly the best to have in your corner.
Love this team so much, they’re quite the haven cause they have a great balance of fun and support. They make life incredible, so glad to be on the race with them!
wow love this team 🙂 y’all are so fun
What’s your role in spice girls?
Hello Addie, it is fun meeting your new team mates! You are all incredible women of God, running your racing, and serving the Lord!
I love how you love each other and lift one another up! These memories you built over the last year will last you a lifetime…and formed the base for Kingdom living.